Too Snarky For Her Own Good

All about stuff I feel like writing about. Or not. Sometimes I waffle.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Entry the thirteenth: In which Mirabelle helps out with the grasshopper problem

Poor Mirabelle. She can chitter and bat at the grasshopper on the other side of the window but she can't actually nab it. Sometimes life is very frustrating.

You know who can eat all the bugs she feels like? The green lynx spider that lives in the carnations in my windowbox, that's who. To be fair, I suspect a grasshopper might be a little ambitious for the spider at this time, but I've seen new, smaller spiders around and about, so I think this one has chosen my garden in which to raise her family. Eventually la famille verte d'araignée may learn to work in tandem and bring down an entire grasshopper.

I'd say something like "that's a sight I'd like to see," but it would not be true. It's dandy if the spiders eat all the bugs that feast on my plants, but I don't want to witness the carnage personally.


At September 27, 2006 12:15 AM, Blogger Earin Marybird said...

She returns - finally. Yea! Spiders are cool. I like yours a lot. I brought in a sac of eggs from a black widow recently (killed the living ones earlier on). I wanted to see them under my microscope. The heat from the light source must have roused them because after I cut the sac and teased it open with my tweezers they all came pouring out. Ack!

(Outcome? I killed the first out and scooped the rest up in a tissue then ran to the stove and turned the burner on - poof! BW Flambe!) Just call me EE Junior Naturalist.

Welcome Back!

At September 27, 2006 4:51 PM, Blogger Elinoire said...

I'm so pleased to hear from you! I worried you might have given up on my after my looooong absence.

YIKES re: a bazillion baby black widows climbing around under your microscope. You were much more calm under fire (under arachnid?) than I would have been.

For some reason spiders don't make me twitchy the way that most insects do, but a lot of zippy venomous ones would be... intimidating.


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