Too Snarky For Her Own Good

All about stuff I feel like writing about. Or not. Sometimes I waffle.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Entry the seventh: In which I prefer my real name

Borrowing (with slight revisions) a meme from PaisleyWomble, the following are some of my alter egos:

YOUR PORN STAR NAME (You probably already know this one from one of those e-mail questionnaires)
(your first pet, the name of the first street you lived on):
Gecko Chalcedony
We're off to a weird start.

(grandfather/grandmother on your father's side, your favorite kind of candy):
Ruth Swissfruit
You'll notice the heading does not read "successful" movie star name because what you end up with is a name your agent would make you change to something else.
Also, my favorite kind of candy changes every ten minutes, so if you tune in later this might say "Ruth Tootsiepop" or "Ruth Toblerone" instead. Unfortunately, the "Ruth" is constant.

(first initial of first name followed by "izzle", first two or three letters of your last name followed by "dizzle"):
Eizzle Stodizzle
I don't think this one works if your first name starts with E. I think you'd pronounce "Eizzle" to rhyme with "Weasel" and while I realize I'm no expert, that doesn't sound very fly to me.

(favorite color, favorite animal):
Pink Serval
Oh please. No one is going to call Pink Serval to find out if their spouse is cheating on them. (Thank goodness.)

(first 3 letters of your name- last 3 letters of mother's maiden name, first 3 letters of your pet's name repeated twice):
Eliwat Sylsyl
Scarily, I think this one is right on the money.

("The", your favorite color, the type of car you drive):
The Pink Corolla
Hmph. I think the Pink Corolla sounds like the kind of superhero who would accidentally drop you after pulling you from a burning building and then not even visit you in the hospital. If you're smart, you'll hold out for the Vermillion Eclipse. Or the Puce Rabbit.
... At least I'm not the The Tangerine Probe.


At July 05, 2006 10:35 AM, Blogger Valerie Polichar said...

I'm not going to do this on my blog, but for your amusement:

Porn Star Name: Kippy Lookout
Movie Star Name: Diana Gummi Raspberry
Fly Girl Name: Vizzle Podizzle (better than yours!!)
Detective Name: Green Panther. Oh yah.
Star Wars Name: Valman Lailai. Well, it does sound exotic.
Superhero Name: The Green Celica. I don't know about this.

And Elinor, since a corolla is part of a flower, "The Pink Corolla" is actually fairly reasonable as a phrase, but not very superhero-y. Kind of like "The White Daisy." Maybe your superpower is that you make people sneeze.

At July 06, 2006 12:10 PM, Blogger Sarah S. said...

Ellie and I would have the same porn star name, which could cause all sorts of confusion. Ellie, only one of us can become a porn star. Damn.

Movie Star Name (just as unsuccessful as Ellie's): Ruth Toffee. You can tell she's from hicksville already.

Sizzle Stodizzle is the fly-est name so far, but it doesn't mean I'm encouraging anybody to call me that.

Detective name: Indigo Okapi. All right, that's cool. I think she would be a Carmen Sandiego kind of detective rather than a Sam Spade kind of detective, but still. Indigo Okapi might be kind of disconcerting and belligerent to deal with, but rest assured she knows the seamy underside of the city. She will find who you're looking for. Oh yes.

Star Wars Name: Sarwat Kafkaf. This is by far the best algorithm here. All three of our names sound pretty plausible.

Superhero name: The Indigo Saturn. Frankly, I think that The Indigo Okapi would be better, if not more effective. "Well, I'd help you guys fight crime, but I don't have opposable thumbs." Plus flying okapis just look stupid.
The Indigo Saturn would be a completely blank slate -- you know what color her costume would be, but her powers could be just about anything. Including that sneezing thing.

At July 10, 2006 9:03 PM, Blogger Elinoire said...

Sarah, I'm going to go ahead and let you be the porn star. I'm all set.

I think The Indigo Saturn is going to kick the butts of The Pink Corolla (sneezing?!) and The Green Celica (Valerie, I think you should drop the "The," by the way. Just go with "Green Celica." Much more, uh, intimidating. Or something.). The Indigo Saturn might merit her own comic book, but the Pink Corolla and Green Saturn are probably part of the Mystery Men's B-squad.

At January 26, 2007 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This may never be seen since I'm posting so late, but wanted to play the game. Indigo Saturn is cool, as is Kippy Lookout and Eliwat Sylsyl (from Tatooine, perhaps).

Porn Star: Parakeet Cherry Lane

Movie Star: Dina Dark Chocolate

Fly Girl: Eizzle Sidizzle

Detective: Blue Wolf

Star Wars: Eilman Maxmax

Superhero: The Blue Integra


At January 26, 2007 5:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops, my Detective name is Blue Dolphin


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