Entry the eleventh: In which I wig out for a moment and then recover my calm
I have decided to be magnanimous and give the sulky tomato plant a second chance. It was with this enlightened view that I went out yesterday evening to trim the deadest of the dead leaves and photograph the one tomato that has finally begun to ripen. And that was fine and all except that I saw this
about two thirds of the way through pruning. And I yelled. Loudly. As most people who know me will (gleefully) tell you, I am a bug wimp. (Go ahead Sarah, just start writing your comment before you even finish this entry.)
I can’t find this guy’s exact match on my favorite bug reference site, but I’m pretty sure it’s your basic grasshopper, only in brown instead of the traditional green. It’s friggin’ HUGE. In the image below, the beastie is on the branch to the right of the
The good news is that it was gone this morning and I didn't let it stop me from taking this lovely picture.
*I'm not sure how many more times Sylvie will let me do this.