Too Snarky For Her Own Good

All about stuff I feel like writing about. Or not. Sometimes I waffle.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Holy cats!

If you're anything like me, the first few minutes of this will have you thinking "why would anyone watch this, much less link to it in their blog? It's an insipid song by a woman who, while Asian, dances more like I white girl than I do."*

But then she bops on over to a table and things begin to look up.

Watching her dance is vastly more entertaining when she's got a supporting chorus line, yes? Yes.

* If you're a halfway decent dancer, this bit of the thought above may not go through your head. I am an enthusiastic but terrible dancer.

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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Don't be alarmed

... but there is a terrifying monster lurking in the inky depths of my linen closet. Looks innocent enough, right?

Look again!

Don't say I didn't warn you.

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Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Wild Bunch

Does anyone else think these adorable (not that I'd bruise their adolescent root veggie egos by using that particular adjective when they could hear me) punked out purple guys look like they're going to make a break for it? They look ready to bust out of their baskets, knock a little old lady down and appropriate her wheeled shopping cart to go joyriding around the farmers market while taunting the more domesticated produce.

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I am keeling over from the cuteness! I think I may need to move to Japan.

Think you can take more? We'll see about that, mister. Try looking at THIS! (But you might want to hit the mute button first.)

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Monday, August 11, 2008

My Evening, in Three Parts

Part One, in which Mr. Elinoire realizes it's garden spider season again.

Mr. Elinoire, just after walking through the gate towards our cottage and, immediately after, through a Very Large spiderweb: "... so tomorrow we need to BLEEEAAARGH!!"

Me: "What?!  What?! [Sees outraged spider climbing away] Oh."

Mr. Elinoire: "Ugh, yeah, watch out for... [turns back towards house and takes another step] BLEEEAAARGH!!"

Me: [Watching second spider climb away in a huff] "..."

Part Two, in which we are all about the opposable thumbs.

We met friends at the San Diego Zoo after work today.  The zoo stays open until 9pm in July and August but sometimes we miss that window and then I'm sad because I missed my chance to see the slow loris and Mr. Elinoire is sad because he has to listen to me whine about it for the next ten months.*

* The slow loris** is still there and still as awesome as ever!  Team Slow Loris!  Yeah!  Let's hear it for venomous elbows and GIANT BEADY EYES.

** Who should really be called the Deliberate Loris because that's what he is, not slow.  

Before the slow loris, we checked in on these guys.  

Mom was hanging out on her rock and that black and white checked hammock you see there was suspiciously heavy-looking.  But then a little foot stuck out from the edge, and then another foot, and then Mom said "this is boring and you are way too slow" and unceremoniously pulled the edge of the hammock down so the baby flopped out, catching a branch on the way down, and did a forward sommersault around the branch and landed in Mom's arms.

Mr. Elinoire: "I think it's actually a really drunk little kid in a panda suit."

Part Three, in which we go for Italian instead, thanks.

After the zoo, we had dinner with our friends in Little Italy.  This is the window of a restaurant we chose not to dine in.

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