Too Snarky For Her Own Good

All about stuff I feel like writing about. Or not. Sometimes I waffle.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

In which I explain why I have posted so infrequently of late

Mr. Elinoire and I are leaving for our belated honeymoon in just a few days. We're visiting friends in NYC, France, Switzerland, and then having a few days on our own in Belgium and Paris. I haven't taken a trip this complicated in several years and the logistics have been intense and complicated. (Not horribly so, but quite distracting.) So... not much posting, and for that I apologize.

Today I began packing by placing my suitcase on the table and putting things from my "take me" list into them. Naturally, any open container must be investigated.

Here, Sylvie joins the investigative team while Mirabelle checks to see if I've accidentally stowed any finches or lizards behind the suitcases. Hey, you never know, and wouldn't she feel silly if she'd missed the opportunity?

I'm going to be really embarrassed if I say I have nothing to declare and then it turns out that I'm transporting a cat across an international border. Note to self: make sure both cats are occupied elsewhere ("look girls, a skunk!") when I zipper it shut.

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At May 01, 2007 12:58 PM, Blogger karenalienated said...

Yay! Have a wonderful trip. Also? Baby skunks are "teh cute"! And they make little meepy noises sometimes.

At May 06, 2007 5:10 PM, Blogger Valerie Polichar said...

Hmm. I'll be waiting to hear how Sylvie enjoys her stay in French quarantine...

At May 08, 2007 4:44 PM, Blogger Katia said...

Reporting from NYC: Mr. and Mrs. Elinore made it from the airport in NJ to midtown Manhattan to our little apt in a Brooklyn brownstone, phew. Lots of Brooklyn-style Italian cuisine and a visit to the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens followed - just in time for the cherry blossoms to blossom. Hopefully photos will be posted later! Happy travels in Europe - Katia


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